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RJELAL - Abstract-Indexing conformed in the following organizations

International Impact Factor Services
Arts & Humanities Citation Index; Humanities Index; Humanities International Index; International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance; Linguistics Abstracts Online; Linguistic Bibliography; Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts; M L A International Bibliography; OCLC; Periodicals Index Online; R I L M Abstracts of Music Literature and SCOPUS.DOAJ ;EBSCO host; Google Scholar; LOCKSS; Open J-Gate; ProQuest, CrossRef, Copernicus, ProQuest, , getCITED, Linguistlist, PKP Open Archives Harvester, Ulrichs, WorldCat, Academia.edu, Scribed, Research GATE, Open Research, Internt Archive, WePapers, Scientific Commons, Journalseek, Aussie Educator, New Jour, The Elektronische; ISI, SSCI, Scopus, Cabell Publishing, Gale, ERIH, OASPA, EISRJC, Index, Cornel University Library, Open access LMU, OASPA, BASE, Journal TOCs, asos, iThenticate etc.,
* Under Process